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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Calling organisations working with young people

If you are a school/college or other organisation that works with young people you may be interested in the information on this page. We outline the following:

You may also find information on useful.

Watch this video walk through to find out about the site’s features, how the site was co-produced and how we can work together going forward.

Does your school, college or organisation signpost to The Source?

The Source is a one stop shop for young people in Suffolk to locate trusted information and sources of support.

As well as providing trusted information and advice, the website is an important resource that promotes sources of support available to young people in Suffolk around emotional health and wellbeing and is a one stop shop for this local information all in one place.

Could you

  1. Put a link to the Source website where applicable for easy access (e.g. on the student’s computer desktop).
  2. Put a link to the Source website on your organisations’ website for parents and carers and young people to access (e.g. under health and wellbeing section).
  3. Signpost young people to the Source website and make our resources available (posters/leaflets etc).

Suffolk County Council Infolink website is a directory of services and organisations in Suffolk.

The Source website signposts to Infolink to share information on leisure activities, the local offer and 16+ education and training providers.

Being on Infolink is a great way to increase your organisations visibility and share your offer.

If you provide a service to young people you can add or update your details:

How do I add or update records on Infolink?

All the guidance you need is on the Help page Suffolk InfoLink | InfoLink Help

The sections you will probably need are:

  • Forgotten your password?
  • How to delete a record
  • Create an account
  • Add a new organisation
  • Update your organisation


A range of promotional resources will be available to promote the new Source website and wellbeing support.

These are available to download and or print when you need them. Visit

Promotional resources will be sent out to schools, colleges and organisations who work with young people, to inform them of the new website and help raise awareness amongst young people.

Follow us on social media

Facebook: @thesourcewebsite                           

Twitter: @SourceSuffolk                             

Instagram: @Ehub_

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