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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Leaving Care

If you are preparing to leave care or you have already left the information in this section is for you. Visit the Leaving Care Local Offer website for EVERYTHING or use the buttons below to find the information you need.

If there is anything you would like to find out more about, please speak to your social worker or personal adviser.

Leaving Care Local Offer – for all you need to know as a care leaver

If you are at risk or are worried that another young person is at risk call 0808 800 4005 (for free, at any time).

You might like to visit the IMO website - write, speak, share. 

IMO is a voice for young people in care and for care leavers. 

It is somewhere you can share stories, experiences and achievements, get and give advice, and find loads of great free stuff! 

Visit their website:
Grand Mentors

If you’re 16-25 years old you might like to have a Grand mentor. Grand mentors are 50+ year old volunteers with Volunteering Matters, who offer their wisdom and life experiences to help you get to where you want to be. 

They offer weekly check ins and can help with (for example) advice, motivation, socialising, reaching goals.

Grandmentors share their stories.

Sounds like a good idea? Get in touch, details on the website: Grandmentors – Volunteer (Suffolk) – Volunteering Matters

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Page updated on April 4th, 2024 at 11:02am