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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Becoming a Donor

“You could save a life”.

On this page we outline information on:

  • giving blood
  • donating organs
  • donating stem cells

“I want to give blood”

There is no legal minimum age to become a blood donor, but the National Blood Service won’t accept anyone under the age of 17. 

Each time you donate blood, 475 ml (just under a pint) is collected. Don’t worry, you’ll still have plenty left to keep you going!

Watch the below video ‘First time donating blood’.

Search Give Blood for your nearest giving blood session.

Visit the NHS Blood Donation website.

“I’d like to donate an organ

Organ and tissue donation is the act of giving your organs and/or tissues to help save or improve the lives of others when you die.

Every day, someone in the UK dies in need of an organ, because not enough organs are available for transplant.

Visit the organ donation website to find out more:

Watch the video on the right for more information.

To help save more lives, in May 2020, the law changed so that every adult in England over the age of 18, will be considered an organ donor when they die unless they ‘opt out’. This means that if you have not confirmed whether you want to be an organ donor – either by recording a decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register or by speaking to friends or family – it will be considered that you agree to donate your organs when you die.

“I’d like to donate stem cells”

Donate your stem cells by signing up to the register, and you could be a lifesaving match for someone with blood cancer.

If you’re between the age of 16–30 and in good health, you can sign up to the Anthony Nolan register.

Whenever a patient with blood cancer or a blood disorder needs a lifesaving stem cell transplant, they search the register, looking for someone who’s a genetic match for that patient. If you’re a match, they’ll be in touch, and will ask you to donate and save a life. 

To register and find out more visit

Watch this video on YouTube to find out more.

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Page updated on August 15th, 2024 at 01:53pm