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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk


Extremism – the holding of extreme political or religious views

A person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially someone who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action is called an extremist.

Social media, online forums and the internet in general has made it much easier for anyone to find and share information about points of view, which are very extreme and glorify violence as a way of achieving particular ideological goals.

 Ideology – a system of ideas and ideals

We live in an society where you have ‘freedom of expression’.

This is the democratic right to make up your own mind as an individual, and have your own beliefs and ideas.

However, when the extreme beliefs and ideas of certain social and political groups threaten the safety and security of the rest of society that’s when ideology can lead to terrorism, which is why we all need to respond by challenging those groups.

Terrorism – the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims

Watch the video below – Sisters’ thoughts on Joining ISIS, watch Brothers’ thoughts below.

What can I do?

Report it – if you see any content on line which promotes violence and extremism, go to the ‘See It Report It’ website to get quick access to the reporting pages for most social media sites.


Talk to someone

If you’re confused about some of the messages that you’ve seen on the internet.

Perhaps you are worried about the behaviour of a friend who is spending a lot of time watching extremist videos and being involved with social media sites where people show support for extreme violence or terrorism.

You can approach your family and other friends, a trusted community or faith leader, or a teacher at school, college or university for advice.

If you have concerns about anyone, please call Customer First on 0808 800 4005

Do you need support for your emotional wellbeing?

Further information

Think4peace on Twitter – is about empowering young people aged 14 – 19 to advocate for and contribute to a more peaceful society.

YouTube videos by Inspire, a charity who are working to counter extremism and gender inequality:

Are you a parent concerned about your child?

Educate Against Hate A website that gives parents, teachers and school leaders practical advice on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation.

Need to talk to someone? You can approach:

  • A trusted community or faith leader.
  • Your child’s school, college or university – they will have welfare officers or child designated safeguarding leads who are trained to help.
  • Practitioners who work in children and young people’s services for Suffolk County Council.

If you have serious concerns about your child you should contact or call Customer First on 0808 800 4005. They will refer you to a trained expert who can help you gain access to support and advice

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Page updated on September 5th, 2024 at 01:35pm