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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Choices at 16+

On this page we outline

  1. What are my options? Find post 16 provision on Infolink
  2. I don’t know where to start and money matters
  3. Online resources
  4. Information for parents and carers

“What are my options?”

From 2015, young people are required to continue in learning or training until they are age 18. Raising the participation age (RPA) does not mean young people must stay in school.

What are my choices, and what should I do next?

Your options range from college courses and sixth form, to apprenticeships and other work-based learning options.

You can:

Stay in full-time education – at a school sixth form, 6th form college or FE College and study a range of qualifications at all levels from foundation courses to Level 3, vocational to A level and T level study programmes.

Attend a training provider – Some training providers also offer full time courses, with start dates throughout the year. These are much smaller than a 6th form or college, and give you the chance to get work experience, improve your maths and English skills, and gain confidence.

See leaflet below to help you explore study programmes

'I have additional needs'

If you have additional needs, find out about your options and the support available to you on our page - 'I have additional needs'.

If you are in care or leaving care, find out about you options and the support available to you on our page - 'I am in care or leaving care'.

“I don’t know where to start!”

It can feel overwhelming! These tips may help…

1) Think about what you enjoy, how you like to learn and what type of qualification suits you.

2) Think about where you would like to study - e.g school sixth-form, sixth-form college, further education College, training centre, on the job such as an apprenticeship.

3) Speak to your school for careers advice (if you are a recent school leaver), or you can contact your local adviser from the Youth Support Services(16-18)Team to find out who can help you. 

Money Matters

The leaflet below contains links to help you think about money, benefits and your post 16 choices.

Choosing a career

This video ‘Choosing a career’ has some great advice about why we should be flexible and take one step at a time and not be too fixed on one career path.

“If you don’t have a fixed destination, it’s impossible to take a wrong turn! You just need to know what you want to do next.”

Choosing a career video from Not Going To Uni

Rate Your Skills!

Employers are looking for what skills you have and not just your qualifications!
When applying for jobs employers are looking to see how you demonstrate the following skills:

  • Listening – How good are you at receiving and retaining information?
  • Speaking – How do you communicate with others and customers?
  • Problem Solving – How do you go about trying to solve a problem or situation using your knowledge or creativity?
  • Digital skills – How confident are you at using digital devices to communicate and work with people?
  • Creativity – How do you come up with ideas – use your imagination to solve problems?
  • Positivity – How you deal with setbacks when working towards achieving goals? How do you stay motivated and emotionally well to overcome challenges?
  • Planning and organising – How do you plan and manage your tasks on time?
  • Leadership skills – How do you support and encourage others to develop and achieve a shared goal?
  • Teamwork – How well do you work with groups of diverse people to achieve a shared goal?

Think about these question and which skills you are best at? Get your friends or family to help you identify which of the above skills are your strongest and which skills you may need to develop more. These skills are things that you are most likely to be asked about during a job interview.

Online Resources

Information for parents and carers – ‘Options after year 11’

Looking for information and careers advice for a young person? Visit the Suffolk County Council website.

Careers Events 2024 coming up

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Page updated on July 16th, 2024 at 04:47pm