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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Day 9 What's Up Challenge – Teach yourself a new skill 

Why is this good for your emotional health and wellbeing?

Learning helps you become more open to change, and helps keep your mind and body engaged (so you don’t get bored). It makes you smarter through new knowledge or experiences, and learning a new skill can feel exciting and rewarding – it can help you discover hidden talents that you didn’t know you had.

How to complete this challenge

If you had all the time in the world to learn something new what would it be?
Maybe you have thought about learning a new language, dance move or how to play an instrument?

Here are some ideas for what new skill you could learn:

  • Learn some new football skills…
You Will Learn These 2 Football Skills in 3 MINUTES!’
How to draw basic anime girl without drawing a circle.
  • Learn to knit like Tom Daly…
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Page updated on December 6th, 2022 at 09:50am