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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Help if you are worried about money

Problems with money can be really stressful. You may have heard the term ‘cost of living‘. This is used a lot in the news and refers to cost of heating and food going up recently which means that money doesn’t go as far as it did.

But it doesn’t have to be a crisis, there is help out there.

Here we have some links to help you get the information you (or someone you know) need.

A good place to start:

If you are worried about debt you can try:

Look after your emotional wellbeing

It’s important to look after your emotional wellbeing if you are feeling stressed. Reach out and find support.

Speak to a friend, family member or someone else you trust. If that’s not possible you might like to try a helpline like Childline or Staying Mentally Well

What else?

Are you wondering how to eat better for less? These links might be helpful:

Suffolk Libraries services

Buy second hand where you can, swap clothes with friends and family, try Vinted, Facebook marketplace, Freecycle or Freegle (age restrictions apply) to grab a bargain.

Stay active for free with the NHS Youtube channel: exercise videos in collaboration with InstructorLive – YouTube

You may also be interested in the information on our page ‘managing your money’.

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