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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

30 Day What’s Up Challenge

It’s simple fun acts of self-care to more interactive tasks like reaching out to a friend or family member and expressing gratitude.

“Are you up for a challenge?”

[Image of the What’s Up Challenge logo]

How will the challenges help support my emotional health and wellbeing?

The challenges are inspired by the ‘five ways to wellbeing’ which are known to support your emotional health.

These are – ‘Be Active’, ‘Give’, ‘Keep Learning’, ‘Take Notice’ and ‘Connect with others’.

How do I do the challenges?

You decide how you do each of the challenges below.

You don’t have to complete all 30 of the challenges, but the more you do the more they will help you to find ways to look after your emotional wellbeing.

To start the challenge click on the challenge boxes below for tips and ideas to help you complete each challenge.

Challenge 1 Listen to mood-boosting music
Challenge 2 Write 3 things you plan to achieve or do
Challenge 3 Plant something, or adopt a houseplant in need of TLC
Tell someone how you’re feeling!
Avoid social media for 24 hours
Get creative – doodle or do colouring-in
Check in on a friend and ask if they’re okay
Say thank you to someone special in your life
Try teaching yourself a new skill
Watch a ‘feel good’ movie
Give a smile to everyone you see and count how many you get back
Do some breathing exercises
Find something that makes you laugh so much you can’t speak
Take some time out for self-care
Take a soak in the bath or have a sing-song in the shower
Share something awe-inspiring
Do a good deed or offer to help someone
Dance like no body is watching
Find a book you want to read or start writing a story
Stroke a cat or dog
Mix it up! Today do your everyday things differently
Invite friends round for some karaoke and belt out some tunes
Focus on a project you have put off for a while
Try some yoga or Tai Chi
Think of 3 things that went well today or made you feel good
Spend 30 minutes doing something that makes you happy
Get a good nights sleep
Cook yourself a healthy meal
Do a mirror pep-talk – tell yourself 3 things you like about you
Look back on all of the challenges and pick one that you are most proud of

Download What’s Up Challenge resources:

(For an accessible version email

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Page updated on September 13th, 2024 at 03:46pm