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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

SEND survey 2023 results are in!

One of the main themes has been moving into adulthood. Young people have told us that moving into adulthood can be a really tricky time for them. 

We wanted to find out how we can better support this group in our work within children and young people’s SEND services, so we decided to ask the experts themselves.

The results

201 young people took part in the 2023 SEND survey, between the ages of 14-25 and told us the things that matter to them most. Some of the things that continue to be important to them year upon year are finding a job and feeling safe to go out in their communities.

We were really pleased to hear that they feel the staff supporting them in school’s and colleges are displaying “ideal
worker” characteristics and that young people know how to keep themselves healthy.

We will continue to use these results to ensure young people’s voices are heard within our services, such as the work around supported internships and the new SEND strategy.

If you would like more information, please email [email protected].

Find more information for young people with SEND on our I have additional needs pages.

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