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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Have your say on the new 2024 SEND Strategy logo

We need your feedback

Suffolk County Council and partners would like feedback from young people in Suffolk to help them choose a logo for their new 2024-2028 Suffolk SEND Strategy.

What is the Suffolk SEND Strategy?

The SEND Strategy shows the priorities and goals that the Council are working towards to improve SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Services for families and children and young people in Suffolk.
To find out more go to: Suffolk Local Offer website – Our SEND Strategy

How do I vote for a logo?

Please tell us which SEND Strategy logo you prefer by clicking the survey link below or scanning the QR code. The survey closes on 19th of April at 5.00pm, Please note this survey is now closed.

SEND Strategy logo Survey link

Please note – “We have amended logo A to remove the two small puzzle pieces as it has been fed back that these are offensive to people with Autism. We apologise that they were ever included.  If you wish to remove your vote for Option A, please email [email protected]

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