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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Emotional Wellbeing Hub & Just One Number Mental Health Support Services

Emotional Wellbeing Hub (if you live in East and West Suffolk)

If you or your friends are struggling emotionally and need support, you can contact the Emotional Wellbeing Hub, which is a free service for anyone under 25 years of age who lives in Suffolk (excluding Lowestoft and Waveney – if you live in Lowestoft or Waveney please see information on the Just One Number service below).

Contact the Hub if you are worried about your emotional wellbeing.

Call The Emotional Wellbeing Hub team on 0345 600 2090 and press option 2. (Open Monday to Friday from 9am – 3pm)

They can help you make a self-referral to access NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (known as CAMHS).

You can can make an online self-referral to the Emotional Wellbeing Hub – give as much information as you can and include your contact details.

You may be referred to the Emotional Wellbeing Hub Service by your GP (if you’re having trouble completing the online self-referral form above)

Another option is you can call 0345 600 2090 and press option 1 to speak to the Barnardo’s Phoneline Service. Barnardo’s are helping young people find resources and places they can go for emotional wellbeing support (Please note this is a separate service to the Hub, they just share the same number).

Just One Number (if you live in Lowestoft and Waveney)

Contact Just One Number who provide emotional wellbeing support for young people aged 0-25 who live in Lowestoft and Waveney, and they can help you and your family access NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (known as CAMHS) in Lowestoft and Waveney.

Call the Just One Number helpline on 0300 300 0123 

More information about this service can be found here Just One Number and Parentline

Visit FYI Norfolk Website for all health and wellbeing support services and advice available to 11 to 24 year olds across Norfolk & Waveney. The site has trusted advice from NHS clinicians and useful wellbeing resources.

If you prefer to, you can go see your GP or school nurse to discuss any confidential emotional wellbeing concerns with them. 

They can refer you to support services. 

Are you in a crisis and need urgent mental health support?

If you need urgent mental health support you can:

Contact the NHS Mental Health Crisis Support Line. Call 111 and press option 2. The NHS Crisis Support line is for anyone of any age in Suffolk and Norfolk.

Contact the SHOUT Crisis Textline. Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258.

If it is a life-threatening situation always call 999.

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Page updated on September 19th, 2024 at 12:26pm