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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

"Where could I be placed?"

When you come into care you could either live

  • with family or friends
  • in a foster home or
  • a children’s home

When you are 16 and over you will join the leaving care service and you will get a new social worker to support you with your future. Link to Leaving Care

Foster home

Watch the Brighter Futures Fostering video

Children’s Home

Children and young people living in children’s homes have made the below guides for other young people.

The information in the guides is about the homes so that you know what to expect about things like:

  • Your first day
  • Local school and the local area
  • Activities
  • Meal times
  • Expectations
  • What to do if you’re worried
Watch the Children’s home worker video

To read about some of the children’s homes, you can download these guides below:

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Page updated on February 1st, 2023 at 10:54am