The Transport team at Suffolk County Council are building a new Travel Toolkit website to support young people with information and advice that will help them feel confident about travelling around Suffolk independently, especially when using buses for the first time.
The Source website are helping the Transport team at Suffolk County Council to gather feedback from young people to see what they think of their draft Travel Toolkit website before the website is launched to young people in Suffolk.
How you can help
1. Go to the draft Travel Toolkit website: Home Page – Independent Travel toolkit test (
2. Take a look at the website – go to the ‘I’m a Young Person’ section and see what you think of it!
3. Take a few minutes to answer the below feedback questions and email your answers to: [email protected]
- Do you like the logo? Yes/No (If no, please explain your answers)
- Do you like the design used – the look and feel of the Travel Toolkit website? Yes/No?
- Do you like the photo images used within the ‘I’m a Young Person’ section of the Travel Toolkit website? Yes/No
- Do you find the font and headings easy to read? Yes/No
- Do you like the way some of the blocks are animated and move? Yes/No
- Do you like the layout and colours used on the website? Yes/No
- Do you like the menu button boxes? Yes/No
Any feedback that you can give will make a difference in helping to shape the new travel website to support you and your friends.
How friendly do you find the Travel Toolkit website?
Please help us test out the content of the new Travel Toolkit website to check it’s friendly for young people to use.
Step 1. Go to the website here: Home Page – Independent Travel toolkit test
Step 2. Click on the ‘I am a young person’ menu section.
Step 3. Use the information in the ‘I am a young person’ section to find the answers to the below scenario questions:
- What number bus service do you need to get tomorrow morning at 9am from Martlesham Heath (IP5 3QN) to take you to One Sixth Form College in Pinewood, Ipswich? Answer:
- You are looking to go shopping with friends on Saturday. Use the website to see how long it will take to get a train from Ipswich to Cambridge (Cambs) Answer:
- Which road crossing only has yellow beacons? Answer:
- What are three things you should do before you head out on your journey? Answers:
- What four ‘W’s’ should you tell someone before going out? Answer:
- Search Priority Seat – what should you do? Answer:
- What is the Green Cross Code? Answer:
- What page can I find information about applying for a Disabled Persons free travel bus pass? Answer
- What is the best advice if your journey does not go as planned? Answer:
Did you manage to find all of the answers to the above questions using the Travel Toolkit website? Email us and let us know. Email: [email protected]