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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Can you tell us about safety, where you live?

In Suffolk, we’re developing a Serious Violence Strategy, to look at how organisations across the county will prevent and reduce violent crimes. We want to understand more about serious violence in Suffolk, and how we can keep our communities safe.

We want to make sure that young people have a voice and are able to make a much-valued contribution to this work.

Please complete the survey to tell us:

  • how safe you feel in your local area
  • what can be done to improve things

Your responses will be anonymous, and none of the information you provide will be used to identify you.
You are welcome to skip any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering, and a list of support services are given at the end of the survey if you need them.

Make sure to reach out for support from a trusted adult, youth worker or other support service if you need to, you could also try:

Link to survey: Safety in Suffolk -Your Views survey

Thank you for helping make Suffolk a safer place.

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