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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

TOPE line - Abuse support

What is TOPE Line?

Survivors In Transition (SiT) is a specialist service that has been supporting adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse in Suffolk. 

SiT has set up a new support service for young people called ‘TOPE’, for any young person who are or has experienced any form of abuse. 

TOPE has been launched because of reports of increases in abuse in the home during lockdown.

TOPE is a self-referral service for young people aged 13+.

It provides a confidential helpline service for young people to report abuse and seek support from specialist therapists.

What type of abuse do TOPE help with?

TOPE can support you if you have or are experiencing:

  • Physical abuse – someone harms, injures or hurts you (on your body) on purpose.
  • Sexual abuse – tricked or forced into sexual activity.
  • Emotional abuse – someone continually makes you feel bad about yourself by calling you names, shouting, scaring or humiliating you.
  • Domestic abuse – someone in your home uses controlling, bullying or violent behaviour against others in your home and it makes you feel unsafe.

Go to the TOPE website for more information on the types of abuse.

How can I contact TOPE if I am experiencing abuse?

You can contact TOPE by:

  • Calling the TOPE line on 0808 168 1154 (from 9am to 9pm daily)
  • Text 07375 296229 (from 9am to 9pm daily)
  • Web chat (available from 6pm to 9pm Monday to Friday) on their website at:
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Page updated on August 9th, 2024 at 01:40pm