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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Gaming and Gambling

Gaming can be a good way to connect with friends and have fun, but there are some things you need to be aware of.

On this page we cover

  1. Happy gaming
  2. Protecting yourself online
  3. Setting up safely
  4. Connecting with people online
  5. Things to do before live streaming
  6. Gambling

For happy gaming

  • Take regular breaks – especially bathroom breaks don’t hold it!
  • Before logging on -check you have done any homework or house chores – to avoid parents nagging.
  • Pause for meals – you need the energy.
  • Stay hydrated – keep a bottle of water next to you.
  • Keep active – get some daylight and exercise.
  • Allow time to wind down before sleep – log off 30 minutes before bed so you get to sleep okay.

How can I protect myself while gaming?

Use these links to find out more about protecting yourself online.

For setting up safely

  • Use a strong password.
  • Keep your passwords and login details safe.
  • Know how to block and report people.
  • Choose a username that does not tell anyone your personal information like your full name, where you live, the school or sports club you go to.
  • Think about using an avatar instead of a photo. People can find clues in photos to find things out about you.
  • Don’t buy anything without asking the person who has to pay for it.
Image of ‘gaming’

Connecting with people online

“There are up to 137.76 million fake Facebook accounts!”

People are not always honest about their age or who they are.

Think carefully about who you connect with and chat to online and when gaming.
Block and report anyone who is mean to you or makes you feel uncomfortable to a trusted adult, the platform you are using, or CEOP (online protection).

Spot the warning signs when connecting to people online:

  • Asking you to chat with them on a private social media app.
  • Asking you to keep your friendship a secret from your family.
  • Asking you to share personal information like where you live or which school/college you go to.
  • Giving you lots of compliments or offering you gifts.
  • Offering help or cheats with a game to build your trust or in return for a favour.
Things to never do:
- We recommend you do not meet up with people you have met through gaming without telling your parent, carer or a trusted adult.
- Do not share photos or personal information.

Before live streaming

  • Keep your personal information private.
  • Think about what you upload or share to people online.
  • Check privacy settings to see who your video will be shared with – only share with your friends and followers.
  • Switch off geo-location settings on the app, device or platform you’re using so you don’t reveal where you are.
  • Think about what you say, as the video will be online even after the live broadcast is finished.
  • Remember live videos can be recorded and shared without your permission.

Gaming and Gambling

Some games use gambling within them to make them more exciting or to win special stuff.
The excitement can make it become difficult to stop – this is when it can become a gambling addiction.

Image of two dice

People with gambling addictions can get into debt.

Young people can get information and support about gambling from the Big Deal Website – you can speak to them via their 24/7 live chat service

You can contact the National Gambling Helpline (run by GamCare) 24/7 for free on 
0808 8020 133

Other places to look at for advice and support:

If you are stressed or worried about debt due to gambling get advice from the National Debtline on
0808 808 4000.

I’m worried about my parents/carers gambling, what can I do?

If you are concerned about your parent/carer gambling or someone you know who gambles, you can talk confidentially to Breakeven – a charity organisation who offer free advice and counselling about tools to either gamble responsibly or stop. They can call 01273 833722 for advice.

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Page updated on September 5th, 2024 at 03:42pm