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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Bullying, Cyberbullying and Hate Crime

20% of children in Suffolk admit to having been cyberbullied – and 74% say they know someone it has happened to

On this page we cover:

  1. What is bullying?
  2. What is cyberbullying?
  3. What is hate crime and how to report it

What is bullying?

Bullying can happen anywhere and the aim is to hurt you. It can include:

What can I do if I am being bullied?
Here are some things you can do to try and resolve the situation…

What is cyberbullying?

The word cyberbullying is used to describe bullying that happens online, and it can include anything from aggressive messages to trolling, to posting altered and offensive pictures.
What makes it more complicated is that it can be easier for the bully to be anonymous and it can be 24/7.
What can I do if I am being bullied online?
This video from anti-bullying alliance gives useful tips on what you should do.

Local research in Suffolk showed that if you have a disability, your risk of being cyberbullied is more than double that of your non-disabled peers.

The film below was produced with Community Action Suffolk and our Young Person’s Health Ambassador.
It is all about bullying and taking photos of things which could upset people. These are serious issues in secondary schools. Watch our ‘Zero Tolerance’ video:

What is hate crime?

A hate crime is any crime which is motivated because of any of the following:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Transgender identity

A hate incident is defined as – any incident which may or may not constitute a criminal offence but which is perceived by the victim or anyone else as being motivated by prejudice or hate. Watch the video below which explains about hate crime.

How do I report a hate crime incident?
If you have experienced or witnessed a hate crime you can report it by:

You may also like to visit Home – Stop Hate UK
If you’ve been affected by hate crime and would like support, contact Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care on 0300 303 3706. Crimes do not have to be reported to the police to access this free and confidential service.
The #StoptheHate video below was created with young people from West Suffolk College to raise awareness of the impact being unkind can have and reminds everyone to ‘be nice’.

If you’re the victim, don’t suffer in silence – tell someone even if you feel scared to.
More young people then ever are reporting bullying so they should take your problems seriously and support you. Bullying and Cyberbullying is not something that we should have to tackle on our own.

For connecting with people safely online:

1) Think about who you are making friends with online - who are they?
2) Set up privacy settings on your accounts 
3) Don't give out your personal information
4) Tell someone if you are being cyber-bullied
5) Make sure the information you like and share online is always positive - Think before you send
Read more about it in our 'Life Online FAQs'.

Thinkyouknow is a great guide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people.

Where can I get support for how I’m feeling?

If talking about it face to face with someone you know is too difficult, try one of these:

  • Kooth – A free confidential online service for young people in Suffolk.
  • ChildLine – Provide a helpline and community message boards to support young people.
Remember it's not your fault and it is important to get support for your emotional wellbeing if you need it - speak to someone.

Emotional wellbeing support helplines

Keep connecting with people – even if you feel afraid to!

When we are being bullied we tend to deal with it by being alone and hiding away. We lose our confidence to connect with others through fear of rejection – but don’t be alone.
This last video below we hope will leave you with the courage to keep connecting with others and keep looking for friends who will accept you for who you are and make you happy – wherever you find them – either in school, outside school, through a club or hobby, in your neighbourhood, through gaming. etc.

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Page updated on September 5th, 2024 at 01:25pm