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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Day 3 What's Up Challenge - Plant something that you can watch grow or adopt a houseplant in need of some TLC

Why is this good for your emotional health and wellbeing?

When we are feeling down nature reminds us that we live in a beautiful world. Research shows that nature heals and soothes us. When we see scenes of nature, it reduces our anxiety, fear, and stress levels and makes us feel better emotionally.

How to complete this challenge?

Have a go at planting something and why not name your plant? I used to have a cheese plant called ‘Mr Cheese’ which I talked to! (Unfortunately, I had to say farewell to him as he grew too big, so now I have a Cactus called Spike!)

Don’t forget to keep watering your leafy friend, this site has some good Houseplant care tips.

If you would like to get creative you could create a miniature indoor zen or fairy garden, or create a terrarium (a mini plant world in a glass jar or container), watch the below Youtube video for how to easily create one.

Make an Terrarium for free

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Page updated on August 20th, 2024 at 01:55pm