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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Day 28 What's Up Challenge - Cook yourself a healthy meal 

Why is this good for your emotional health and wellbeing?

What we eat can affect the way we feel, so eating healthier can improve your mood, give you more energy, help you think more clearly and keep us well.

How to complete this challenge?

Try making some healthy recipes.

The BBC goodfood website has some easy recipes like this How to make a stir-fry which will get you chopping up a feast.

You can also find fun and easy recipes in this cook book guide which was made with young people in Suffolk.

Why not create your own pretend restaurant experience at home to show off your cooking skills with your family in a fun way!

  1. Choose Your Cuisine and pick a catchy name for your restaurant
  2. Create a menu – don’t forget the drinks menu or a non-alcoholic cocktail menu. You can use these templates from Word: Menu template 1 and Menu template 2
  3. Prepare table decor, lighting and an all-important ultimate playlist to play in the background of your meal.
  4. Notepad and pen to take orders from family
  5. Don’t forget to serve the bill for their meals at the end.
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Page updated on August 20th, 2024 at 01:53pm