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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Day 29 What's Up Challenge - Give yourself a mirror pep-talk, tell yourself 3 positive things you like about you!

Why is this good for your emotional health and wellbeing?

We often put ourselves down by comparing ourselves to others – our friends and favourite celebrities.

Be nice to yourself – no one is perfect, we are all unique with our talents and how we look.

This is what makes us special.

There is only one of you in this world, so learn to love who you are.

How to complete this challenge?

Try telling yourself some of these things…

  1. I am strong
  2. I can do this
  3. I am pretty
  4. I deserve to be happy
  5. I deserve to eat
  6. I will survive this.

Young Minds have a good advice to Believe in yourself

Be Body Happy!

If we have negative feelings about the way our body looks this can affect our health and wellbeing, eating and relationships.

Image reads…’I am more than my body.’ From the Body Happy Org website

Body Image resources:

Body Happy affirmations activity sheet

How Does Body Image Impact Us Activity Sheet

Body Happy Journal Sheet 

Find more Body Image advice at:

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Page updated on August 9th, 2024 at 04:13pm