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Day 16 What's Up Challenge - Share something that is awe-inspiring!

Why is this good for my emotional health and wellbeing?

That feeling of awe, wonder that we get from something – nature, music, art, helps to inspire us, and to appreciate the wonders of this world and our place in it.

How to complete this challenge

Share Something that you think is amazing with a friend or family – a place, space, sea life, a person (from past or present) who inspires you.

Here are some awe-some things you didn’t know about the wonders of our bodies and nature

  1. Your brain has approx100 billion neurons (cells) which is about the same amount of stars in the milky-way galaxy.
  2. If you stretched out all the blood vessels in your body, they would be 100,000 kilometres long – that’s twice the circumference of planet Earth.
  3. You’ll grow nearly 600 miles of hair in your lifetime.
  4. Women blink more often than men.
  5. Your femur (thigh bone) is stronger than concrete.
  6. On Earth, you need heat to fuse metal together, but in space, two pieces of metal will fuse together with only a little pressure.
  7. Saturn could float on water, and Mars has the solar system’s biggest volcano.
  8. Cows kill more people in the world than sharks.
  9. There was an extinct species of penguin that was nearly 7-feet tall!
  10. Sperm whales sleep under water in the strangest way – see video below.
The fascinating way Sperm whales sleep under water.
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Page updated on August 16th, 2024 at 03:33pm