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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

What is FGM?

It’s a form of abuse which is estimated to affect around 140 million girls and women around the world.

FGM is the partial or complete removal or of a girl’s external genitals. There are no health benefits and the effects on girls and women who have FGM last forever.

Girls and women who have had FGM may have problems urinating, menstruating and there may also be issues with childbirth, as well as long lasting psychological effects.

Some use ‘religion’ as an excuse for practicing FGM, but there is nothing in the Bible, the Koran or any other religious text that supports FGM.

FGM is illegal in the UK and it is also illegal to take a girl out of the country to undergo FGM.

FGM is cultural practice which violates a girl’s human rights. It is cruel, inhumane, and is a form of honour based violence as girls are being controlled in order to increase their marriage-ability.

The video on this page shows the story of a 12 year old girl in the UK who struggles between her family’s wishes and the facts about FGM.

If you are concerned about yourself, or someone you know

You can:

  • Call Customer First on 0808 800 4005.
  • Speak to a teacher or trusted adult or seek support from Kooth
  • Speak to a youth worker at 4YP for confidential advice and support. Drop in or call them – visit their website for more details
  • Contact Suffolk Refugee Support– They can provide support if you have undergone FGM yourself.
  • Visit our ‘Ease My Mind’ Emotional Wellbeing Directory for more services offering free and confidential support.

Remember, it’s not you’re fault and you should not feel guilty or ashamed.

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Page updated on September 5th, 2024 at 01:37pm