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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk


The most important thing is to check yourself regularly and seek advice if you suspect something isn’t right.

On this page we provide information on:

Skin Cancer

“Two young adults are diagnosed with skin cancer every day”

More and more young people aged 15 and older are part of a rising group of young adults who are diagnosed with malignant melanoma which is the deadliest form of skin cancer. 


  • People forget or do not think they need to put on sun cream in the summer.
  • Young people and adults are using sun beds too often which can increase your risk of melanoma before 35 by 75 per cent.

To find out more about melanoma, visit these web sites:

Skin cancer from sunbed use

A study of 15-18 year old girls found that their desire to get a tan overcame any misgivings about the potential health risks.

Cancer Research UK, Jan 2013

Find out more about being safe in the sign and how to spot the signs and symptoms:

Breast cancer

Be aware of checking your breasts for unusual lumps (this relates to guys and gals) by carrying out self examination at around the same time each month.

Check out the video on the left.

Cervical cancer

You may have heard about the HPV (Human Papilloma virus) vaccination? This is offered to girls aged 12- 13 to protect against cervical cancer.

HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer. There are some indicators that HPV in the throat (from oral sex) in young men is on the increase.

You can protect yourself from HPV by using condoms. Read more about this on The Mix.

For more information on sex and sexual health services (including the c-card for free condoms) visit our sexual health pages.
Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in young people.

Checking yourself once a month for testicular cancer is important – and you can do this by gently rolling each of your balls between your thumb and fingers to feel for any unusual lumps or bumps.

Other warning signs include:

  • one ball growing larger or heavier than the other
  • an ache in your balls
  • bleeding from your penis

If you find any lumps, or have any of the other symptoms listed above, it is best to get checked by a doctor, just to make sure everything is okay. Treatment has a high success rate.

For more information and advice around testicular cancer in young men, visit the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Who can I speak to about any concerns?

 - Speak to an adult you trust 
 - Make an appointment to see your GP for any concerns about your 
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Page updated on September 5th, 2024 at 03:25pm