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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk


Many people enjoy drinking alcohol as it can help you feel more sociable and confident. However alcohol can have a different effect on us depending on the following factors:

  • the strength of the drink
  • how fast it’s consumed
  • your physical size
  • whether you’ve eaten or not

Be aware of your own personal limit and how you feel, so you know when it’s a good time to stop!

What you need to know about drinking?

  • It is illegal to sell alcohol to under-18’s
  • It is illegal to knowingly buy alcohol for some one who is younger than the legal age limit
  • The police have the legal power to confiscate alcohol from anyone they know to be, or believe to be, under 18 and drinking in a public place

What are the dangers of binge drinking?

Alcoholic drinks, when consumed sensibly and in moderation, can be enjoyable, but if you drink excessively you can put your health at risk.

Unfortunately there are too many young people who make this mistake every year.

For facts about binge drinking and alcohol, Visit the Dinkaware website

“I think I have a drink problem” – What to do if you or someone you know has a drink problem

Contact Turning Point – Turning Point works with young people across Suffolk who are finding their drug and/or alcohol use is becoming a problem for them or those who care about them.

You can also get confidential help from them if someone else’s use of alcohol is seriously affecting your life.

Sometimes we drink more to escape difficult feelings or circumstances, it’s important to seek the support you need before things get worse.

"I need help for my emotional wellbeing!" - visit the Emotional Wellbeing Directory for support services
Drink Driving
Never drink or take illegal drugs and then get behind the wheel of a vehicle. 

It's not worth the risk of losing your driving license, having to pay a huge fine, or causing hurt to yourself or someone else. 

If you’re planning a night out drinking with friends, choose who in the group is going to be your designated driver, or arrange to split the cost of a taxi.

Be aware that:

  • after a night out drinking you may still have alcohol in your system in the morning, which means it will still be unsafe for you to drive. So if you know that you need to drive the next day, it’s safer not to drink at all.
  • Just one drink could put you over the limit for driving! 

Make sure you know the facts about drink driving.

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Page updated on September 5th, 2024 at 01:36pm