What is SAY?
Suffolk Assembly of Youth (SAY) is a virtual network of youth organisations and young leaders in Suffolk.
The SAY e-newsletter is distributed monthly with the aim of keeping people in touch with the general news, offers, opportunities, activities and services relevant to young people in Suffolk.
Scroll down for past editions 🙂
Have you got something to shout about?
Let us know! We are also keen to hear real stories from young people in Suffolk, so get in touch and you could have a piece in our next e-newsletter.
If you would like to have your content displayed in the next newsletter, mail your content quoting 'SAY submission' in the subject line to [email protected] Please include a graphic, any links and the text you would like included.
We’re always trying to grow our reach, if you would like to be added to the mailing list hit subscribe quoting ‘Subscribe to SAY’ in the subject line.
We welcome your feedback, so please email us.
Past issues
Page updated on August 9th, 2024 at 01:48pm