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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Children in Care Council (C2C and Brighter Futures)

Who are we?

We are Brighter Futures and C2C and we are your Children in Care Council.

We are children and young people who are in care or leaving care who meet to discuss what it’s like to be in care in Suffolk.

What do we get up to?

We are a friendly group who meet every school holiday to

  • do fun activities
  • make friends
  • eat delicious food
  • shape children’s services

There are two groups.

Brighter Futures 
(5-13yr olds) 

Brighter Futures give their views, design leaflets, make films, have BBQ's, play games....and meet other young people like us and do fun activities!
C2C (Chat 2 Change) 
(for 13-25yr olds)

C2C meet with councillors, make important decisions, develop policy, interview and train staff, and meet with other young people and enjoy social activities!

“How do I get involved?”

“We would like to meet you!”

We would LOVE you to join which ever group you think would work best for you (it doesn’t matter if you are older than the guidelines).

Our children in care councils are for all children in care, they are your chance to have your say about what it’s like to be in care and tell us how we can make things better for you and other children.

Would you like to join us? 

Yes! Then get in touch with someone from our friendly Engagement Hub Team on 01473 260169 or email C2C on [email protected]
Would you like to tell us about something?

You don't have to come to an event to have your say about something to do with your care. 

We REALLY want to hear your views about being in care in Suffolk, such as:

- What is good and what could be better?
- What would your top ten tips' for social workers be?
- How could we make reviews better?
- What did you need to know when you came into care?

Tell us what you think by getting in touch with us, by email [email protected] or using the form below.

We will aim to respond to you as quickly as possible. Please remember if you raise a personal issue that we think affects your safety or the safety of someone else we have a duty to pass the information on to someone who can help.

Please fill in this short form so that we can keep in touch with you.

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Page updated on September 19th, 2024 at 11:44am