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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Young parent hub

“As a young parent where can I find local support services?”

The below information and advice is for young parents in Suffolk, to help them find advice and support about childcare, benefits and learning.

Childcare and parenting advice and support:

Benefits calculator

Work out what benefits you could claim by using the Gingerbread website’s benefits calculator.

Money to help stay in learning

You may be able to apply for financial help from the government 16 – 19 bursary fund. This is up to £1200 available for young people on income support to pay for the costs of staying in learning. Find out more about the 16 – 19 bursary fund.

Next steps

Care to Learn

Young parents under the age of 20 can claim up to £160 per child per week towards childcare and travel while they continue in learning.

To apply:

Future Female SocietyMore than Mum

As rewarding as being a mum can be, we often lose confidence and struggle to think about what else there is, or can be to life.

This programme for young mums helps build self belief, develop skills and introduce networks that can help you to work out your next steps. Be that employment, education, enterprise, training, volunteering etc. 

If this interests you and you would like more information on our FREE programme, visit the website.

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Page updated on August 9th, 2024 at 03:26pm