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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk


On this page you will find information on:

  1. What are my options for work and training?
  2. How do I get into volunteering?

What are my options for work and training?

If you have a disability you still have the same choices as everyone else, but there is additional support available.

Take a look through our Your Future‘ section for general advice and information – from finding a traineeship or an apprenticeship to gaining work experience, getting a job – it’s all there.

You can also find information and guidance on finding work and training on the following websites:

  • WorkReady toolkit – resources from Suffolk Learning Disability Partnership (
  • GOV.UK – find out about your local Disability Employment Adviser, training, adjustments to help you stay in work, and funding towards higher education. 
  • Suffolk Local Offer – local information on education, training, apprenticeship, employment opportunities and more!
  • National Careers Service – loads of great information, young people can also contact an adviser via text, phone and email.
  • Icanbea… – Provides an up to date list of Disability Confident employers and organisations.
  • Apprenticeships Suffolk – Support to find an Inclusive Apprenticeship (also read more in ‘Your Future – Apprenticeships’ page).

Do you need support to be in work? Access to work is a grant to help pay for practical support with your work or support with managing your mental health at work.

The following organisations can support you to find work or training:

Mencap Employment Services - Service offering young people with SEND 16-24 support, work opportunities and training before and during employment or placement. - help with work experience. - advice and support to develop your skills. - help and information on finding work and gaining employability skills.

How do I get into volunteering?

Volunteering is when you offer to ‘help’ somewhere, this could include cafes, shops, charities and many more places.

Volunteering is a really good way to:

  • get some work experience,
  • learn new skills,
  • meet new people and
  • try out different work places

There are lots of ways to find volunteering placements. You could

  • Look out for posters in local shops
  • Check on an organisations website if they take volunteers
  • Search for options near you on Volunteer Suffolk. Watch the how to video to get you started.
  • Read more about volunteering on our volunteering page.
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Page updated on September 3rd, 2024 at 03:10pm