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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

I have additional needs

Throughout this site we use this Peach colour to highlight information for young people with additional needs (SEND/ Neurodivergent).

If you have additional needs, if you want to know more about being neurodivergent this page can help.

Assume that I Can – help challenge negative assumptions

Please share the below video to your school, college, family and friends as it really hits hard the point that if people had more positive assumptions about young people with Down syndrome (or any other additional need), then there will be more opportunities for us at school, at work, in relationships, and in other activities. DISCLAIMER – Please be aware this video includes a swear word.

Assume that I can so maybe I will YouTube video

Support available to young people


“The SENDIASS service can help you. Our friendly team have lots of information about your rights, the support you should get and what to do if you have problems getting the support you need. We will listen and help you to get your views across.”

Suffolk Local Offer – website for support and to view the latest SEND strategy or to view our easy read version please click here.

FYI Norfolk – Autism & ADHD advice for young people.

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Page updated on November 28th, 2024 at 10:16am