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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

My health while in care

Your physical and emotional health is really important. Take a look at the ‘Your Mind’ section and the ‘Your Body’ section on this website for support and advice on these topics. Visit the Emotional Wellbeing Directory – ‘Ease My Mind’ for details on support services.

While you are in care you have a right to talk to a nurse about your health. This is called a health assessment.

What is a health assessment?

The health assessment takes place once a year.

It is a chance to look at all aspects of your health (physical and emotional wellbeing) and lifestyle and to make sure that you are getting the best possible help to keep you healthy. You can ask questions about how your body works or talk about anything that is worrying you.

 What happens in the assessment?

  • The nurse may ask you to sign a form giving your consent for them to carry out the assessment.
  • You will not need to be examined but your height and weight will be measured if you are happy with this.
  • You will have a chat.

You may talk about

  • healthy eating
  • exercise and fun things you like to do
  • your safety and things you are learning about in school, including internet safety
  • your feelings
  • sexual health
  • smoking and substance misuse

When you are nearly 18 year’s of age, you will be offered an enhanced health assessment and will be given a health passport, which includes important information about your health history.

 What happens after the assessment?

  • The nurse or doctor will write a plan with you.
  • If you agree, and if you need any help with your health the nurse or your social worker will make the appropriate arrangements for this to happen.
  • Your social worker will get a summary of the plan. This is to ensure that any health issues identified are sorted out as soon as possible.

As you get older you may live on your own and help can be offered to make these appointments if needed.

Will you share the information about me with anyone else?

  • You will be asked if it is okay (consent) to talk to your GP or other health professionals about your health.
  • Conversations with your doctor or nurse are confidential and will only be shared with the social worker, carer or family if you are felt to be at risk of harm or danger.

You can contact the Children in Care Nursing Team at Suffolk County Council on: 0144

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Page updated on August 30th, 2024 at 04:32pm