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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

"I'm unhappy about my care, who can I talk to?"

What is an Advocate?

An Advocate is someone who will make sure you are fully involved in decisions being made about your life by:

  • Listening to you
  • Being on your side, helping you speak up and making sure your views are listened to
  • Helping you make a complaint if you are unhappy about your care
  • Going to meetings with you and explaining things to you

If you feel like your views aren’t being listened to or you need extra support you might find an independent advocate useful.

What is an Independent Advocate?

Someone who is completely separate from your family and the professionals involved in making decisions about your life. 

Do you need an independent advocate?

Pohwer provide an independent advocate for you, here is their leaflet: Suffolk Advocacy Service Children and Young Peoples Advocacy Leaflet (

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Page updated on August 15th, 2024 at 01:06pm