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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

In care or going into care

If you are at risk or are worried about someone in care call 0808 800 4005 (for free, at any time).

Are you going into care in Suffolk?

You might be wondering what’s going to happen next.

Use the buttons below to find the information you need and watch the ‘coming into care’ video from the Children in Care council.

Are you a care leaver? Use button below to take you to the ‘Leaving Care’ page.

Watch the coming into care video from C2C

Use the yellow buttons below to watch the video.

Watch the Children in Care Council Assembly Video Below

Useful resources and websites

Read this short story titled ‘The boy who skated away from everything’ – written by a young person in care in Suffolk.

  • IMO website – share stories, experiences and achievements, get and give advice, and find loads of great free stuff!
  • Become charity website – From ongoing coaching, helping you in stressful situations, to providing a friendly space to meet other care-experienced young people
  • Help At Hand website – for support, advice and information from the Children’s Commissioner to help tackle the challenges you’re facing
For more information on independent visitor’s please visit Independent Visiting | Anglia Care Trust
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Page updated on September 13th, 2024 at 03:18pm