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Advent 30 Day What's Up challenge 14 - Make a friendship paperchain or paper snowflakes

Why is this good for your emotional health and wellbeing?

Craft time can be fun and easy. It’s a great way of bringing friends and family – everyone together, connecting with others and being imaginative, which are all great things that support our emotional wellbeing.

How to complete this challenge

Paperchains are a fun and relaxing decorations to create at this time of year. They are easy to make and can relate to anything.

How you can make your friendship paperchains:


  1. Each person taking part should take a strip of paper and write a kind
    message on it – the things you love about your friends and family or a message of kindness to yourself to remind yourself how brilliant you are!
  2. When everyone taking part has finished writing their message, and decorating their strip put some glue (Pritt
    stick or similar is fine) on the end of one strip, and then overlap it to the other end, making a loop.
  3. Repeat the process of linking the strips of paper together into loops until you have created a paperchain garland of your friendship messages which you can hang up in your bedroom and remind yourself of all the positive things you like about yourself and your friends and family.

Image of a friendship/kindness paperchain.

You could even try this idea of a friendship band made from paper…

Honeycomb paper snowballs/baubles

How to make paper snowflakes

How to make Snowflakes out of paper.
Image above says… Did you know that every snowflake is unique – just like how we are born unique. Like how snowflakes come together to create a Winter Wonderland, we are greatest when our unique qualities come together to compliment each other.
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Page updated on December 12th, 2024 at 03:35pm