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Advent 30 Day What's Up Challenge 12 - Make someone smile with a cheesy cracker joke

Why is this good for your emotional health and wellbeing?

Laughter can be the best medicine during difficult times, Okay so cracker jokes can be so bad that they make us groan out loud rather than laugh, but cracker jokes are really good at helping us to bond and connect with others – they are not just about having a laugh.

How to complete this challenge

Find the most cheesiest joke you can (keep it clean) and make someone smile.

Here are some of our favourite cracker jokes that will make you and your friends smile and groan.

“What kind of doctor is Dr Pepper? A Fizzician.”

“Why don’t you ever see Father Christmas in hospital. He has private elf care!”

“How many ears has Captain Kirk got? Three: the left ear, the right ear, and the final front ear.”

“How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker had got for Christmas? He felt his presents.”

“Who is Santa’s favourite singer? Elf-is Presley”

“Who’s Rudolph’s favourite pop star? Beyon-sleigh!”

“Knock Knock, Who’s There? Dull Pencil. Dull Pencil Who? Nevermind it’s Pointless!”

“What do you call a bottle of fizzy orange in a red and white suit? Fanta Claus.”

“What’s green, covered in tinsel and goes ribbet ribbet? A mistle-toad.”

“How do you know if Santa is really a werewolf? He has Santa claws!”

“What athlete is warmest during winter? A long jumper.”

“Why is diarrhoea hereditary? Because it runs in the jeans.”

“What do you call a reindeer who can’t see? No-eye deer.”

Tik Tok Dad Jokes – really funny 🙂
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Page updated on August 9th, 2024 at 04:39pm