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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

Who can help me?

You might feel like you need to speak to someone or you need some help. you could try IMO – A voice for teenagers in care and care leavers (

Find out more about the Children in Care Council and advocacy (if you are unhappy about your care).

You can find support for your emotional wellbeing in our mind section.

Independent Visitor

An independent visitor is an adult volunteer who will take you out once a month to do activities of your choice.

It’s like having a favourite aunt or uncle coming to visit.

If you are between 0-18 years old and you would like an independent visitor you can

  • request this at your review
  • talk to your social worker
  • contact Anglia Care Trust for more details. Tel: 01473 622888 or email them at:

Watch the Advocate and Independent Visitor video
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Page updated on September 13th, 2024 at 03:19pm