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Information, Advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk

"I'm in care, what happens next?"

After being in care for four weeks you’ll have a meeting called a ‘review’ to find out how you’re doing.
A review will then happen every six months while you stay in care. They are chaired by your independent reviewing officer (IRO).

It's really important that you get to have your say at your review and that your views are listened to - the Promise booklet can help you share how you are feeling.

Suffolk’s Promise is a set of 10 promises made by Suffolk County Council to children in care and care leavers about their care.

You will be sent the Promise booklet before your review and your social worker or foster carer should go through it with you. Then you send it off directly to your Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO).

Watch the Independent Reviewing Officer video
Watch the Social worker video
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Page updated on February 1st, 2023 at 11:08am