Suffolk Youth Forum
Interested in having your say?
Join the Suffolk Youth Forum! We’d love to hear what you’ve got to say 💬
- Raise ideas and issues with Suffolk Youth Parliament
- Last Monday of every month 5:30-6:30pm
- Online via Teams
To join in email:
What is Suffolk Youth Forum?
- A forum for Suffolk’s Young People aged between 11-18 (25 with additional needs)
- Shaped by its members
- Find out about Youth Voice projects and programmes in the county and nationally
- Link up with other members and connections within the council and your community
- Support your elected members of Suffolk Youth Parliament (MYP’s)
- It’s up to you how much time you would like to give to your individual campaigns
- We are here as supporters and connectors – the rest is up to you
- No party politics are allowed in Youth Parliament or Suffolk Youth Forum – you are here to support all young people in Suffolk
- Please remember we have members aged from 11-25 and everyone will have different experiences and time commitments
- It is a safe space for All young people to attend
Minutes from previous meetings
Page updated on September 5th, 2024 at 03:36pm